& Coach

& Coach

Event Speaker



I am passionate about helping women live their most authentic, god-centered and unhindered life.


Thanks for stopping by.
Let me start by saying first and foremost that I am a work-in-progress...

hey, there! i'm

...who is super thankful for God’s grace. As one who spent way too many years hindered, it is my passion to share with others what I have learned from my own experiences and struggles in my walk with God which have enabled me to better embrace the victory Christ obtained for me at Calvary.

For me, freedom came with a fresh understanding of the whole story of God- from creation to eternity- and my role for today as His image bearer. 

I gained powerful insight into the heart of God and His purposes for creation. I also realized that, contrary to what I had been believing and how I had been living, I fight from victory, not for it. The battle has been won. Jesus’s victory is not only reserved for eternity, but one we can experience today as well. So, each day, I fight the hindrances that threaten to bind me by reminding myself of who God is and what the gospel offers me as His daughter.
My heart’s burning desire is to join you in your journey and help you identify the things that hold you back so you can live unhindered.


Let me start by saying first and foremost that I am a work-in-progress.

hey, there! i'm

I don’t have life all figured out. It’s too messy and unpredictable! And I’m certainly not perfect. I wear several different labels, a few which are Mother, Wife, Daughter of God, Author, Coach, Teacher & CEO.

Just like you, I’ve experienced seasons of doubt, disobedience, and depression. There have been times that I’ve felt frustrated with my faith and with God.

After trials of faith, asked God “Is this really all you have for me?” 

In his mercy and love, God answered. And in that moment, I began to finally live a life Unhindered. And now I teach women all over the world how to do so too.

get to know me

get to know me quiz

Just a little

quiz to see if we're M.F.E.O.

to see if we're M.F.E.O.

2. the only way I take my tea:

4. my favorite weekend activity is...

5. You'll catch me reading...

7. my favorite vacation is...

9. I dream to one day...

c. Evening Bath with Candles

8. my self care looks like...

a. Massages & Alone Time

b. Bingeing Reality TV

1. My absolute favorite food is:

6. I love to...

c. Both of the above

3. I call home...

a. College Station, Texas

b. England

understanding our calling as image bearers

perhaps you are feeling stuck & hindered...

A Little About You

perhaps you don't know where to begin when it comes to living the life you feel like you were meant to live. I have been there. I have struggled through the moments of doubt, lowliness and lack of faith. After going through those moments and reaching the other side, I made it my mission to help other women stand up out of the fog and walk beside them as they find their way to a faith-filled and unhindered life.

feel like you?

when you read this, does it 

When you read this,
does it 


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